
Idiots: or Why I hate fundis

I am so fucking pissed today. I hate Bush. HATE. I can't stand looking at him.

That was my tribute to post-inaguration day.

I stumbled upon a website, after following a link, from a link, from a link, etc. (I just don't want you to think I would normally be looking at this bullshit.) This site gives the reasons why you shouldn't use birth control of any kind, but specifically pills. Or "chemical contraceptives" and "mechanical contraceptives". "Mechanical contraceptives"? What the fuck? I would link it, but I don't want this asshole getting more traffic than I have already sent his way. Whoops. (Not that posting a link to him here would actually get him any traffic, but I can pretend I actually have an audience, right?) So I will just quote the most disturbing parts.

It begins with all the biblical reasons not to use birth control. Okay. I can respect that. His religion says no birth control and he can back it up with texual references. That's not what bothers me. Then he goes into a history of birth control. Not sure why, but whatever. Then the real crap begins:

"All forms of B.C. increase abortion. Contrary to what some doctors say, there is no such thing as a chemical contraceptive (Pill, implant) that does not cause abortion from 2-5% of the time. Although the primary function of most of these "Pills" is to prevent ovulation, they do not prevent all ovulation (people still occasionally get pregnant), so they ALL have a secondary function of irritating the lining of the uterus so that a fertilized egg will not be able to implant, and thus will abort. There are several other pills whose primary effect is to abort fertilized eggs; the IUD also does this as its primary function. Apparently, the body also aborts some pregnancies naturally at very early stages, without provocation, and all methods of mechanical prevention of fertilization (condom, diaphragm, Rhythm, N.F.P.) actually increase the number of these natural abortions by perpetuating the monthly menstrual cycles, which are suspended when a woman is pregnant."

Um. O....K..... First: A fertilized egg that doesn't implant is not an abortion. A fertilized egg is NOTHING!!!! Part of the reason why there is NOTHING wrong with using embryos to research stem cells. It may have the potential for life, but it isn't yet anything. Second: What the fuck does the second part even mean????? Since these "abortions" can happen naturally, any time you have your period you might be having one? But if you use "mechanical contraceptives" the sperm can't reach the egg so the egg isn't fertilized! So even this very fucked up idea of what constitutes an abortion doesn't apply here! Except maybe with rhythm or natural family planning. But only because since the sperm actually goes in, there is more of a chance of a fertilized egg than with the other "mechanical contraceptives". (By the way, how the hell would anyone consider rhythm method or n.f.p. mechanical?)


"It's inconvenient: I have never heard a single positive comment about diaphragms and spermicidal jelly or condoms from my friends who use them (and condoms are not highly effective at preventing fertilization anyway). And, of course, it's not fun to abstain for long periods of time as per the "Rhythm" or "Natural Family Planning" methods; abstaining for long periods of time can contribute to the sin of adultery. Using B.C methods causes a woman to undergo uncomfortable periods every month, but going without B.C., periods can be rare."

First: It's true that condoms can break and have a slightly lower chance of working than other methods, but they are highly effective. If always used and always used correctly, they have about a 97% effectiveness. When used the way they typically are, i.e., sometimes just not at all, or incorrectly, in the US they have about an 86% effectiveness. (http://www.infoforhealth.org/pr/h9/h9chap4.shtml) But that's not really the point. The point is, what does condom effectiveness have to do with this article? Is he saying you shouldn't use any form of birth control because condoms don't work? Second: But his friends still use those forms of contraception because, for MANY people, it is still less inconvenient than having a kid! Third: I don't get this guy's thoughts on contraception. I guess I can't understand because, coming from the religous Jewish world, even if you don't want to use contraceptives, if you don't want kids, you don't have sex. There is a mitzvah to have children, but as long as you don't waste any seed, you are still cool. I just can't comprehend this idea of not having sex being seen as a bad thing. Fourth: If you don't use birth control, you will always be preggers or nursing, so periods will be rare. I think that's what he means. Periods are nothing more than a minor annoyance for me and everyone I know. There are some people who have very severe cramps. That's what vicodin is for. And, let me let you in on a little secret, with birth control pills, your periods are SOOOOOO much better. Less to no cramping. Much lighter. Shorter! And any period is a hell of a lot more comfortable than being preggers for the rest of your life. And nursing. Nursing hurts. Not that I don't plan on nursing my kids whenever I have them, but I have no illusions that it will be all peachy keen and we will just sit there and bond all day. I know someone who was is the worst pain of her life during her first feeding. (This right after enduring labor.) It gets better, but then they get teeth.

"Health problems: If you take the pill, you are five times more likely to die of circulatory disorders. The pill can also cause permanent infertility and a host of other major and minor problems. The IUD often causes lacerations in the uterus which result in severe pain and permanent infertility. Abortion is a serious cause of breast cancer. It is also a proven fact that the longer child-bearing is delayed, the more likely a woman is to get endometriosis. On the other hand, women who nurse a lot of babies generally don't get breast cancer."

First: Where the fuck is he getting his statistics??? I can't find an exact number for the increased risk of circulatory problems (I throw out my inserts), but there is no fucking way it is 500%. There is no fucking way it is 5%. No one would allow that to be on the market. There are contributing factors that increase the risk, but even with those it's not going to be 500%. If a doctor thinks that by taking birth control pills you probably will die, you aren't going to be prescribed them! That's why we still need prescriptions for birth control pills. And, I found this very interesting site http://www.healthsquare.com/fgwh/wh1ch21.htm which told me something I had never heard before, but is apparently in the package inserts that I never read. Birth control pills lower your risk of several cancers! Second: In the site above, they also talk about the risk of infertility problems. "1 percent to 2 percent experience some delay in the return of normal reproductive cycles." Everyone else can pretty much get pregnant immediately. After all, if you miss one pill, you can get pregnant. But these women all still return to normal reproductive cycles eventually. However, "in rare instances, hormones can stay suppressed for months or even years, though for the majority, menstrual cycles normalize within three months." They do mention that with older women this might cause problems if they want to have kids, since the older you are the harder it is to get pregnant, so you don't want to even waste a few months. So they said that if you are planning on having kids, you might consider another form of birth control when you hit 30. I don't know anything about IUD's but I would bet that "often" means rarely. Third: Abortion is not a cause of breast cancer. They do say that if you didn't have a baby in your earlier child bearing years, you do have an increased risk of breast cancer. Again, what does increased risk mean? But however much the risk increases (which is very slight), not having kids DOESN'T CAUSE BREAST CANCER!!!! But it is true that breast feeding significantly decreases your risk of breast cancer. I have no arguments there. But I don't know anyone going out and having kids just so they can breast feed them and not get breast cancer. Fourth: Who the fuck proved that "fact"? Birth control pills prevent endo. If you have it, they stick you on birth control pills. (As long as it isn't too advanced.) It is true that having a baby can clear endo up, but once you have it, getting preggers becomes a problem. So please, sir, could you maybe not blame someones infertility on themselves for not trying sooner?

Then he goes into the objections people have for leading "a quiver full" lifestyle. He talks about how we don't really have a problem with overpopulation and these women don't actually multiply like rabbits. Then he says the weirdest thing about the cost of having a baby:

"Cost: The scary, high figures you see quoted are based on expensive C-sections, baby formula, baby food, frivolous baby furniture, not getting a baby shower, using day care, etc, all of which is unnecessary. It doesn't take long before children are old enough to become income producers, anyway. Additionally, God provides for His children."

Um, I'm not sure, but I think most people still go the other way to get the baby out. Some people are stupid and elect to do a C-section. (I've heard some of the reasons which sound nice, but personally, I would still prefer the stitches in my hoo ha rather than recovering from major surgery.) But I'm pretty sure that most people, unless they don't have the option, go the vaginal route. And, let me get this straight. These people not only think birth control is wrong, but women in the workplace is wrong, too? All I can say about sending the kids off to make money is WHAT THE FUCK????

Oooh, this one is good:

"The myth that children of large families are less intelligent is sheer bunk. 76% of U.S. Presidents came from families of 5 or more children! Almost every famous Classical musician came from a family of more than 7. Comparing an upper-income only-child with the 10 children of a dysfunctional family is comparing apples and oranges; intelligence is based on the intelligence and discipline of the parents, not the number of children."

Yeah, and most of those presidents came from a time when everyone had at least five kids. (The only one I can think off hand of that didn't was Kennedy. But he was Catholic.) The same thing with the classical musicians. (Is classical really supposed to be capitalized?) I'm in no way saying that I think that myth is really true, but in developmental psych we were taught that birth order plays a large role in intelligence. The higher up you are the more intelligent you usually are, even when there are only two kids in a family. So, I guess it's just that when you have a lot of kids, there is more of an opportunity for stupidity as you go down the line.

Then he starts talking about stewardship. I don't know what that is. If someone happens to stumble across this and actually reads this far down and knows what stewardship is, I would really be interested to know. And then how not all technology should be used. He actually compares using birth control to using an H-bomb. Then we get to the part that really makes me sick:

" What if I have health problems? There may be exceptions, but are you looking for an excuse, or are you trying to be faithful to God? Although many doctors won't admit it, many female problems would be solved rather than exacerbated by having children. One woman who had a hole in her lung that would not heal was told never to have children because she could not provide enough oxygen for two. She got pregnant anyway, and the pressure of the growing uterus against the lung sealed the hole and healed it! If, however, you have a legitimate health issue and are not looking for an excuse not to have children, you shouldn't feel guilty if you practice birth control."

Oh my fucking god. I just keep thinking of Steel Magnolias. If the doctor tells you that you can't get pregnant, or you put yourself and the baby at serious risk, DON'T GET PREGNANT!!! Go use a gestational surrogate if you really want kids, but don't believe this total bullshit that pregnancy will cure your health problems. I have no clue if this anecdote is true or not, but I'm leaning to not. I certainly can't find it by googling "hole in lung healed by pregnancy". And this fucker is telling women who might die if they have a baby to go ahead and do it! It makes me so sick.

The rest of it just talks more about biblical reasons.

Anyway, that is my long post about how fucked up fundis are.


it's a small world after all

I am totally going to find someone to call and tell about my new brilliant idea. Make all of Disney World a hot spot. This is like the idea I had when I was nine and we lived in Orlando. That idea was to build a bubble over all of Disney - or at least each individual park - so that it can be air conditioned. The only difference is that this idea is implementable. We are going to Magic Kingdom tomorrow because it's our last chance before the babies are too old to get in for free. Not that I'm gonna get bored or anything, but I figure it would be so cool if I can just be checking my email while waiting on line. Not that we will be waiting on line. We get special assistance passes thanks to the various reasons in the letter from the babies' doctor! But still, when we are eating lunch or something, it would be nice to check my email. And the weather is supposed to be beautiful tomorrow. Sunny with a high of 61 and low of 45. We'll have to remember our jackets! A. will be very pleased with that.



N. did the cutest thing this morning. I was awoken at about 7:30 by my door being slammed open. N. comes running into my room and jumps onto my bed into my arms to give me a huge hug and kiss. Then, before I knew it, she ran back out. My mom came in a few minutes later and I told her what happened. She said, "Oh, so that's why she dashed back into the house when the bus got here!" Aw. My baby wanted to give me a kiss before she left for school.

I introduced all three of them to Andrew W.K. a couple nights ago. They loved it. And Anti-Flag. N. has been an Anti-Flag fan since I first played Turncoat for her awhile back. There is something about that song which makes all of them start head banging. I have decided that it must be an automatic reflex that we are all born with. N. and B. started chasing each other, while A. held my hands and told me she was dancing. Then they all attacked me.

So I've lowered my dose from 300 mg to 100mg. I couldn't breathe again. D. said I should. It's so nice having a personal physician. Too bad he doesn't have a private practice anymore. Then I could've gotten my blood draws already instead of having to wait till I can get an appt in an actual office. I started the Strattera. It's okay. It wakes me up without all the crazy palpitations and stuff like with the Ritalin. I took the Wellbutrin at night once and stayed up all night. But I managed to wake my mom when I was looking for something to fill my completely empty stomach. We talked and I now have lots to tell my therapist. Yay. We all know I have to look for things to tell her....



So I woke up this morning (bright and early, I might add-10:30!) and found that, in fact, I CAN breathe. Through my nose, no less. I don't remember waking up with my mouth closed and no moss growing on my teeth in years. (That's what I get for stopping my allergy shots.) I decided to ponder this for a bit. I did. Two hours later, I decided to take all my various pills. My therapist reminded me before I left to make sure I take my meds. So I go over to pour the eight pills (today I started two Wellbutrin in AM and one in PM, plus my iron pill, and my two multi, and three L-Tyrosine) and thought, maybe I should skip the tyrosine. I have decided to convince myself that it is the tyrosine that is doing it. Besides that shit ain't doing me any good. And today I seem to be doing somewhat better. Well, good for me. I can breathe. (/Rob Corddry voice.) Of course, now that I'm thinking about it it is getting worse, but it is still better than yesterday. I'm not gagging. Yet.

The garbage men are doing their rounds. At four pm. Is that normal? Have I been away for so long that they changed the schedule? I also heard my cell phone ringing faintly down the hall and totally ignored it. Mom just walked in, so she was obviously thirty seconds from home. Why does she incessently call?


My head hurts

I hate psycho sematic symptoms. I feel like such an idiot. I know that there is nothing wrong with me and that I can breathe perfectly normally, just like when I was on Ritalin. But it doesn't change the fact that I can't breathe. (Except that I can....) I haven't even checked the side effects this time and don't plan on it. My doctor said it won't happen this time, so I'm gonna trust him. Of course, now I have a headache which I am attributing to a lack of oxygen to my brain rather than less than five hours sleep (which normally wouldn't be so little but for my tendancy to sleep a lot lately) and probably low blood sugar. Must remember to eat.

Anyway, I'm home. The babies are adorable, as usual. I accidentally woke B. up last night and she wouldn't go back to sleep and stayed up watching Discovery Health with me and Mom. I hope it doesn't scar her for life. N. obviously missed me. She woke up for a couple minutes when B. awoke ran out into the living room and gave me a hug before going straight back to sleep. And this morning she would only let me get her dressed. A. only pretends to miss me. She's getting too independant now that she can get around with her walker. Her new braces are really working.

R. is pissed at me. Her visit didn't end so nice. She cleaned my room. It is seriously spotless. Not that I really care all that much. It's kinda nice to see my floor, but it's not really a big deal to me. I work well in a mess. Plus, since I'm ADD I have an excuse. But then she got really pissy. She was being all condescending and bossy and thinking she is older than me again. So we were bickering most of yesterday. Well, except for when we were quoting Strong Bad. There's an unspoken rule about Strong Bad.