

142. 142. 142. 142.

IN SIX WEEKS I WILL BE SKINNIER THAN MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL SHRINK TO NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fifteen pounds is six weeks. Without thinking about it. FIFTEEN POUNDS!!!!!!!! It is official. The way to bring about world peace and solve the whole hunger crisis, or whatever it is, is to give EVERYBODY Wellbutrin. And Strattera. (I wonder which one is really doing it. Or if it is just the combination that makes it so wonderful.) Then everyone will be OH SO VERY HAPPY! and no one will eat ANYTHING! leaving plenty of food for the starving children of Africa. And we'll give them Wellbutrin and Strattera, too. You know, just for the hell of it.

I WILL WEIGH 127 POUNDS IN SIX WEEKS AT THIS RATE!!!!!!!!! Since I am two inches taller than my sister (as my dad says, the best thing that ever happened to me) my 127 will definitely beat out her 125!!! Not to mention that since the speed ran out she's probably over 130 again. I WIN, I WIN, I WIN, I WIN!!!!!!!!! (Yes, this is a competition. Everything is when it comes to siblings. Especially if your last name starts with an H and rhymes with bunny man.)

Of course I'm not just happy because I am sooooooo kicking R's butt. I am happy because my skirts are hanging on my hips, not perched at my belly button. I am happy because when I wear that shirt I love, my stomach almost looks flat. I am happy because I can actually picture myself as skinny as the majority of my friends. I am happy because I feel good about the way I look right now, for the first time, ever. Even back when 140ish was my normalish weight, I felt fat. It is amazing what spending several years hovering between 155 (at my absolute lowest) and 165 can do.

I know that this is hardly obese, but I am short, so I look stocky. And most of my weight is located in my stomach. And not like on the sides or anything. No. I have a very nice hour glass figure if you look at me from the front or back. (Except for my arms. Though those are improving, too!) It is my silhouette that is bad. My belly protrudes and my ass sticks out. Now I still have a few pounds to go before I even approach svelte, but for once I am actually considering the fact that I may be able to do it!


Blogger Player Von Player said...

well just don't kill yourself trying to lose weight

7:11 PM  

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