
Fuck this, I'm moving to Canada

I HATE FUCKING MANAGED CARE!!!!!! This is fucking ridiculous. The only reason i am not hyped up on uppers right this second is bec insurance companies think it is smart business sense to not cover Wellbutrin if it is used as a cigarette suppressant. Therefore I can't fucking get my prescription until the fucking insurance company believes it is bec im fucking insane, rather than just trying to kill myself with cancer sticks. Think of the hundereds of thousands of dollars they would save by help some shmuck quit smoking rather than get lung cancer. Even if only a small percentage of the ppl they would cover would've gotten cancer, it costs $60 a month for the drugs, and the copay is $10 so it costs the insurance company $50 a month for a script of Wellbutrin. Compare that to the money they would have to spend on hospital bills and chemo and radiation.


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