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I am insane. The baby is probably coming, again. Possibly in time for me to take her home over President's Day weekend. And so I have become obsessed with a new stroller. Of course, the one I actually want is the G Collection one. But that one costs $169.99 just for the stroller, and the matching SnugRide is $50 dollars more than the regular SnugRide. So if I can get my mom to let me get a $249.99 stroller rather than a $99.99 stroller I am totally running over to Babies R Us.

I realized something. I'm not actually excited about the baby. Not at all. I'm excited about buying LOTS of crap for her. Of course my mom won't let me buy ALL that I want to buy, but this has given me a chance to sort of do some early research for whenever the hell I start to have kids. I have finally lowered my price for a stroller down from the $900+ dollar Bugaboo. (Since of course I couldn't just get the stroller. I would need to get the boot and the carseat adapter and various other stuff.) So this is improvement! I'm sure stollers, etc. will change by the time I'm having babies, but if I were preggers today I would pretty much get the whole G Collection from Graco. Well not really. I would only get the Pack 'N Play and the highchair in addition to the stroller. Swingwise I'm going with Fisher-Price because the side to side option seems like a good idea. I'm not in love with the way this one specifically looks, but the only one that really looks nice also looks like it would swallow a baby whole.

So who wants to guess what html thing I remembered how to do?


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